XrcPad SourceForge.net Logo

XrcPad is a simple interactive XML resource editor for wxWidgets, for trying out xrc code snippets, similar to the WPF tool XamlPad. Currently XrcPad is unsophisticated, heavy on typing (no Intellisense), without syntax error hints, and with support for only wxPanel and wxDialog. But it could evolve naturally.
XrcPad is a doc/view app, mdi on Windows. It has been tested on Windows, andLinux and Ubuntu.


Run the binary and press Ctrl+O, try this or this file.


- This project is tiny, only 4 source files, nothing more than a wxWidgets example really.

File releases:

- 0.1: Initial release


XrcPad project page
XrcPad downloads (binaries built with wxWidgets 2.8.7)
XrcPad svn
- Example xrc files: wxPanelwxDialog
No makefiles or IDE project files are provided.


TODO (nothing scheduled):

- Syntax errors: tell line number
- Autocompletion

Modified: March 20th 2008